What has happened to change the ways that schools treat students with special needs?

This was a really interesting case about students with disabilities, this case the student was having trouble with sensory overload with sound, she also would have outburst if she was over stimulated. When this would happen, other students would feel uncomfortable and started to avoid her. She has a support who works wither throughout the day and the teachers are supportive too. But I think they did not have much information to help students with disabilities and I feel the same way after reading this because the question I choose was what has happened to change the ways that schools treat students with disabilities? And I don’t think I have enough information myself to help support these students. I have a close family member who has a disability and I feel they have good support, but what about other students I do hear that the district needs more support in some classes. I think I need more education and to see the change and when I get into a class room I hope I can make a difference.